Alcohol & drug addiction
Looking for a drug and alcohol counsellor? Alcohol and tobacco are the most commonly used drugs in New Zealand, followed by cannabis (marijuana, pot, weed), methamphetamine (“P”, speed, crystal), ecstasy (MDMA), hallucinogens (LSD, Magic Mushrooms), opiates (heroin, opium, codeine) and other prescription drugs such as sleeping pills and sedatives.
Often people will turn to alcohol and drugs because of stress or a lack of other ways of managing painful emotions. With alcohol and other commonly used drugs, frequent use can cause physical dependence that also needs assessment and treatment.
NZ Herald 5th Nov 2016
About 10 per cent of New Zealanders are addicted to alcohol
Anyone, given the right biology and environment, can suffer from it
As alcohol is frequently used socially in New Zealand, it can be hard to tell if your use is a problem. Often we are surrounded by people drinking the same amount, as frequently as ourselves. It may be that you have always used alcohol and drugs and never thought of them as causing you problems.
“Alcohol and drugs were the only things in my life that I could rely on – everything and everyone else had let me down.”
Is my drinking a problem?
If you are unsure if your alcohol use is a problem? Check for these signs of problem drinking.
Getting Help
If you have any concerns about your alcohol or drug use, it helps to talk to professionals trained in this area. They can help you decide if your use is a problem, and make some practical plans to start changing your usage, so you feel more in control.